
Simplyhealth Active Plan

October 2018 Simplyhealth: HCP


Everyday healthcare provider Simplyhealth has launched its Active Plan to help those with an active lifestyle and runners to reach their personal best. 

For runners of any level from beginners, those preparing for an event through to marathon runners, Simplyhealth says the plan can help to reduce the risk of injury by addressing ongoing injuries that may have been picked up during hours of training.

There are four levels of cover, starting with Essential (£14 a month) and going up to Enhanced (£45 a month). A Premium level plan (£30 a month) pays 100% of cost up to the following annual maxima:

Physiotherapy, osteopathy, chiropractic and acupuncture                   £350

Chiropody, podiatry and reflexology                                                     £100
Dental                                                                                                   £175
Dental accident (three month initial waiting period)                              £500
Health assessment                                                                               £350
Optical                                                                                                  £175
GP and dietician fees                                                                           £75
Prescription charges                                                                            £30
Diagnostic consultation, tests and scans                                             £500
Hospital                                                                                                £20pn
New child benefit                                                                                  £200

Cover is also available to partners, and up to four under 18 children are covered too, at no extra cost. The plan is available to UK residents aged 18 to 79 and starts from £14.00 per month (with the first month free if bought before 31 October 2018. 

The plans also include:

•             A speak to a GP service providing tele consultations.

•             Gym and lifestyle discounts.

•             Telephone counselling.

•             Wellbeing and lifestyle guidance.

Comment: Research carried out by Simplyhealth found the majority of people surveyed were motivated to run to get or stay fit and healthy (80%) or to stay active (77%), and more than half (56%) of people stated they run to de-stress or to improve their mental wellbeing.

Over a third (37%) of runners questioned had experienced an injury in the last year. Over half of those (54%) had stopped running for a while, a third (36%) had physiotherapy, a quarter (26%) used sports massage and 11% of runners had gait analysis to help treat their injury.

A health cash plan (HCP) could offer really useful benefits to such people but Simplyhealth has recognised that conventional HCP language is unlikely to motivate all to buy. Instead, it has used their language and tweaked benefits to make this a running plan or an active person plan.

Indeed, it is the language and the approach that is the important difference here and Simplyhealth looks to have pitched it right. Will that lead to lower claims ratios and so more sustainable premiums in future? There is an argument it may but really the message here is the message to use your customers’ language to appeal to your customers, not your own.

Plus points: Attractive HCP benefits presented in a language to appeal to runners and other active people; Choice of cover levels; Will focusing on fitter people lead to lower claims and hence more sustainable premiums?

Not so plus points: Not everyone will relate to the fitness message; Best value for money may be with the cheapest plan.

Website: www.

Rating (max 10): Innovation:  8. Overall: 8. Gold

Tags: HCP; Simplyhealth

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