Inchora Health Quealth
Following its acquisition of roadtohealth Ltd, Inchora Health, part of the Inchora Group, has announced it now offers employers, consumers and brokers access to Quealth’s technology to help people assess and improve their health and wellbeing.
The Quealth app, which has had over a 120,000 downloads to date, offers users the opportunity to measure their risk of the top five preventable, lifestyle-related diseases. Those are type 2 diabetes, six forms of cancer, cardiovascular disease, dementia and lung disease.
Developed by leading health experts and clinically-validated, Quealth accurately assesses disease risk and provides users with health coaching so they can make targeted changes that could help reduce their chances of developing these conditions. The Quealth app is free to download via the Apple store, Google Android store and Samsung Galaxy store.
Inchora Health has integrated the Quealth app into its Cignpost Healthcare Membership Service, which gives employees access to nurse-led healthcare support, and access to online GPs.
Comment: The roadtohealth system is well-regarded and a useful way to help people assess various health risks. Now part of Inchora, the system could appeal especially to employers as an employee benefit that may encourage more employees to improve their lifestyle.
Plus points: A useful benefit for employees to have; Encourages them to reassess their lifestyle; Now part of Inchora.
Not so plus points: Looks only at the major health risks.
Rating (max 10): Innovation: 7. Overall: 8. Gold
Tags: Other; Inchora Health