
Impartial reviews on the latest products and how they can impact consumers.

Aviva Critical Illness Cover

November 2018 Aviva: CI


Aviva has enhanced its Critical Illness+ and Life Insurance+ with critical illness products, to cover more conditions. The enhancements all apply to the upgraded options on its products and came into effect from 14 October. Upgraded children’s benefit (which is available as part of the critical illness policy), now covers three new conditions: Diabetes mellitus type 1. Brain abscess when undergoing a defined treatment. Less severe third-degree burns meeting defined criteria. Parents of children diagnosed with these conditions will receive a fixed £25,000 payment. Children are now covered from birth up to their 22nd birthday, whether they are in full…
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Saga Health Insurance Introductions

October 2018 Saga: PMI


Saga offers five health insurance plans underwritten by AXA PPP, with each being unique to Saga. They are designed for customers aged 50 or over and called Super (which offers the highest cover, including full outpatient cover and a range of other benefits), Secure, Saver Plus, Saver and Support (the lowest cost plan as it excludes most outpatient except surgical outpatient treatment). Optionally, customers can add extended cancer cover, health cash plan benefits and obtain cover for pre-existing hypertension. Premiums can be cut by agreeing to open referrals, choosing a four week wait option, or choosing one of five excess…
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AIG Life Term Assurance

October 2018 AIG: Term


AIG Life has enhanced its Term Assurance product to help individuals cover their Inheritance Tax (IHT) liabilities. Its new Joint Life Second Death (JLSD) option is a cost-effective alternative to whole of life insurance for couples who plan to gift assets away and so erode their IHT liability. There is also an option which allows customers to carve out a gift inter vivos plan from the existing sum insured, without the need for further health or lifestyle questions, in order to cover the reducing IHT liability on any gifts made over the term of the insurance. AIG has also reduced…
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The Exeter Health+

October 2018 The Exeter: PMI


Health+ is a menu based private medical insurance (PMI) product for individuals and families. The plan is built around a comprehensive core cover module, which includes unlimited cover for cancer, inpatient and daypatient treatment plus outpatient surgery and private ambulance and home nursing, parental accommodation, post-operative physiotherapy and NHS cash benefit (paying £150 a night up to 30 nights a year). To this can be added various optional add-ons: Additional outpatient cover. This pays for specialist fees and diagnostics and offers a choice of three cover levels, including unlimited cover. Additional mental health cover. This pays for up to 28…
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Inchora Health Quealth

October 2018 Inchora Health: Other


Following its acquisition of roadtohealth Ltd, Inchora Health, part of the Inchora Group, has announced it now offers employers, consumers and brokers access to Quealth’s technology to help people assess and improve their health and wellbeing. The Quealth app, which has had over a 120,000 downloads to date, offers users the opportunity to measure their risk of the top five preventable, lifestyle-related diseases. Those are type 2 diabetes, six forms of cancer, cardiovascular disease, dementia and lung disease. Developed by leading health experts and clinically-validated, Quealth accurately assesses disease risk and provides users with health coaching so they can make…
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