
Impartial reviews on the latest products and how they can impact consumers.

Guardian Life Protection and Critical Illness Protection

June 2018 Guardian: Term


Guardian is a new insurer (but an old insurance brand) that has soft launched in May 2018, with a view to rolling out its proposition to other advisers during 2018. Its first two products are: Life Protection. A term insurance policy available to age 90 that also pays out on terminal illness. Critical Illness Protection. Conventional CI cover that  pays the sum insured on diagnosis of a specified critical illness, on terminal illness or on undergoing specified surgery and can run to age 70. CI and life cover are not offered combined, as Guardian says that can mean life cover…
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The Exeter Income Protection for diabetics

June 2018 The Exeter: IP


Last year, The Exeter  launched its Managed Life product, offering life cover for those with Type 2 diabetes. Now it has changed its underwriting stance for Type 2 diabetics on its income protection products too. These are its existing IP plans - Pure Protection Plus for those in more manual occupations, and Income One Plus, which is a bespoke plan for those with below risk occupations. According to Diabetes UK, there are now around 3.7m people in the UK with Type 2 diabetes, with a further 12m at risk of developing the disease. Given the additional morbidity risks associated with…
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Vitality Serious Illness Cover

May 2018 VitalityLife: CI


VitalityLife has relaunched its Serious Illness Cover plan, with new conditions, plus enhanced existing definitions and simplified the structure. The main changes include: Primary Cover. The number of severity levels has been increased. Also, more than 35 new definitions have been added. These include borderline ovarian cancer and blindness in one eye. Many of these 35 definitions are unique to VitalityLife, the insurer says. Comprehensive Cover. Now automatically includes VitalityLife’s unique Cancer Relapse Benefit. This pays out on all subsequent cancer claims and boosts the payout on subsequent cancer claims by 50%. VitalityLife says this not only simplifies Comprehensive Cover…
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National Friendly Guaranteed Life Assurance Plan

May 2018 National Friendly: WL


National Friendly has launched a new guaranteed acceptance life insurance product for those aged between 50 and 80. The new whole of life policy pays out a guaranteed cash lump sum on death at any time to help pay for funeral costs, pay off outstanding debts or to simply to leave behind a cash legacy for loved ones.  The policy can also be put in trust so beneficiaries receive a tax free lump sum.  Premiums start from £20 a month, and go up to £100 a month, and remain the same for the duration of the policy. Customers decide what…
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AXA - Global Healthcare iPMI

May 2018 AXA PPP healthcare: iPMI


AXA – Global Healthcare has launched an optional upgrade for companies providing international healthcare cover for their employees based overseas. Those choosing to either purchase or renew the Comprehensive level of AXA’s International Health Plan now have an ‘extended outpatient optional upgrade’, which covers a full refund up to the overall policy limit of £1,500,000, on: Medical practitioner consultations. Diagnostic tests. Out-patient drugs and dressings prescribed by a medical practitioner. Plus there is increased cover for: Consultations for treatment of psychiatric illness. Physiotherapy treatment. Recent market research commissioned by AXA - Global Healthcare highlighted that as SMEs – particularly smaller…
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