
Impartial reviews on the latest products and how they can impact consumers.

The Exeter Managed Life

May 2017 The Exeter: Term


The Exeter has launched into the protection life insurance market, with a new plan designed to appeal to two groups who often struggle to get affordable cover – those who are overweight and those who have Type II diabetes (and many will have both). Managed Life offers reduced premiums in future years for customers who positively manage their condition by lowering their HbA1c level (if they are Type II diabetics) or their weight (if they have a high BMI – body mass index). To best understand how the plan works, the timeline for a new plan is: First, an initial…
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Royal London Diabetes Life Cover

May 2017 Royal London: Term


Until now, many of the UK’s four million plus diabetes suffers have found obtaining affordable individual life insurance difficult. So, Royal London has launched a simple life insurance product designed to offer speedy decisions rather than meaningless quotes that the customer only finds out they can’t get after weeks of ‘underwriting’. The key elements of the product are: A quick and simple application process for people with Type I or Type II diabetes. Immediate cover if accepted. Cover is available even to those with high HbA1c (glycated haemoglobin) levels. If the diabetes is well managed and Royal London is sent…
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Regency for Expats Life Insurance

May 2017 Regency Assurance: Term


Regency for Expats is part of Regency Assurance and, launched in 2014, it specialises in insurance and financial services for globally mobile individuals, companies and government bodies. Regency for Expats Life Insurance is a new simple life insurance product for globally mobile executives and expat employees around the world. As well as life cover, the policy includes a geographic extension as standard, which means customers can remain fully insured even if they move country. Additional benefits include upfront payments, 24/7 international assistance, mortal remains repatriation, child chaperone services and bereavement counselling. Comment: Expats need more protection insurance than just the…
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Co-op Funeralcare for children

April 2017 Co-Operative: Other


For the last 30 years, Co-Op Funeralcare has assisted families who have lost a child under the age of 16 by not making any charge for its funeral director services. This has now been extended to 16 and 17 year olds, so covering all children. In addition, the Co-Op has iincreased the options available to families as part of its free child funerals service and committed to online transparency on its free child funerals policy, providing families who are concerned about cost, with peace of mind. The free service includes the necessary provision of funeral colleagues, transportation and collection, a…
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AXA PPP healthcare Occupational Health on Demand

April 2017 AXA PPP healthcare: Other


AXA PPP healthcare’s Occupational Health on Demand service is a pay-as-you-go occupational health service for SMEs and mid-sized corporates. The Occupational Health on Demand (OHOD) service is aimed at companies which may occasionally need the services of occupational health experts to help them manage frequent repeated absences, long-term absences and performance issues relating to ill-health at work. OHOD is designed to protect the health and wellbeing of the workforce by: Preventing work-related ill-health and injury. Ensuring new and existing employees are fit for work. Supporting ill or injured employees back to work with easy-to-access referrals and guidance.  Clients have full control of spend…
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