
Impartial reviews on the latest products and how they can impact consumers.

Best Insurance InstaProtect

January 2017 Best Insurance: ASU


Best Insurance is a Hove based broker, established in 2010 by Kesh Thukaram and Stuart Boseley. InstaProtect is a new short term accident, sickness and unemployment (ASU) policy that has no initial exclusion periods. The plan is simple to buy and to understand, with simplified medical underwriting terms too. Cover is annually renewable and can run up to age 65. InstaProtect pays out up to the lower of 60% of gross income or £2,000 a month for up to 12 months on being unable to work due to accident, sickness or unemployment. In addition to the regular benefit, a one…
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VitalityHealth Healthy Workplace

January 2017 VitalityHealth: Other


Healthy Workplace is VitalityHealth’s new health and wellbeing toolkit for SMEs. It starts with three core elements: A yearly health calendar. Quarterly campaigns. Quarterly webinars. To these three can be added a number of modules, depending on the business size and what is needed: Champions and Challenges. This is a 12-month engagement platform empowering workplace champions to become health and wellbeing advocates. Vitality Coach. Half day wellness consultation from a Vitality specialist. Wellness Days. An understanding of employees’ health numbers – measuring 25 metrics including BMI, heart rate and blood pressure – to identify any potential issues. Workshops. This includes…
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RedArc Post Hospital Service

January 2017 RedArc: Other


RedArc has launched a new service, which is available to insurance companies as a value added service on a group risk plan, and can also be bought direct by employers. In order to activate the service, the employee must have had a 48-hour, or longer, stay in a hospital. The stay can be for any condition with the exception of pregnancy, and that includes mental health (often excluded under PMI policies), and can follow a planned or an emergency admission. A RedArc personal nurse adviser will provide long-term practical advice and emotional phone support. The actual support package varies according…
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The Exeter Pure Protection Plus and Income One Plus

December 2016 The Exeter: IP


The Exeter has revised its income protection offering for individuals and updated its existing Pure Protection and Income One plans, adding a ‘Plus’ suffix to differentiate them. The Income One Plus product is aimed at those in professional, low risk and administrative occupations and offers: A simplified benefit option, allowing the customer to fix benefit at 75% of their initial benefit. They must provide financial evidence within 12 months of the policy starting but can avoid having to prove income on this element of the plan when a claim is made. Allowing this to be provided post-sale can also save…
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Westfield Health Access Surgery and Access Surgery Premier

December 2016 Westfield Health: PMI


Westfield Health’s existing hospital treatment insurance (HTI) plan Access Surgery has now been revised to become available to consumers and to voluntary employee benefits schemes.  The plan is available in two versions – Access Surgery and Access Surgery Premier. The most comprehensive benefits are in Access Surgery Premier and this plan offers: Payment for most surgical procedures. This specifically excludes heart or cancer related treatment, although treatment for suspected cancer up to diagnosis is covered. Westfield splits procedures into ten bands, each with its own cash limit. If the limit is exceeded (although they are regularly reviewed) the customer must…
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