
Impartial reviews on the latest products and how they can impact consumers.

BHSF Pay4Sure

September 2016 BHSF: ASU


BHSF’s new Pay4Sure plan is a short benefit term sickness and accident style insurance that pays an income if an employee is off work for between one and six months due to sickness or injury. The plan is taken out through the employer, with employees opting in to be covered and then paying premiums monthly through payroll deduction. The plan also includes a comprehensive employee assistance programme (EAP) and a 24/7 GP consultation service. The latter is accessed by phone or an online webcam consultation, and there is also an electronic private prescription service. The EAP offers employees counselling on…
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AIG Life Key3

August 2016 AIG: CI


On 10 August, AIG Life launched Key3, a simpler form of critical illness insurance (CI) designed to provide more affordable cover and to appeal to younger people. The plan is available with or without life insurance (which also pays out on terminal illness diagnosis) and pays out on diagnosis of cancer, heart attack or stroke only. If bought standalone, there is a 14 day survival period. In addition to the lump sum benefit, the plan also provides access to the Best Doctors service for up to three years after a claim has been paid. Also included is access to AIG’s…
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Medicash/Medex Protect Family Care

August 2016 Medicash: HCP


Liverpool based health cash plan Medicash has launched its new Family Care plan (in association with Medex Protect) as a corporate hybrid aimed at giving families some of the benefits of both health cash plans (HCPs) and private medical insurance (PMI). What makes it unusual is that the focus is on the child’s health. The basic plan pays up to: £500 a year for each child for specialist consultations for children. £1,000 a year per child for diagnostic tests and scans (these can include CT, MRI and PET scans). £150 a night (up to 30 nights per child pa) for…
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Aetna International iPMI EAPs

August 2016 Aetna International: iPMI


Aetna International has changed its employee assistance programme (EAP) to become a standard benefit across the majority of its international healthcare (iPMI) plans from 19 July. The EAP is delivered by partner Work Place Options and gives members access to confidential counselling from behavioural health experts in over 200 countries worldwide. Support areas include improving family communication, harmony between work and home life, managing life changes, handling stress, surviving the loss of a loved one, managing anxiety and depression, dealing with workplace bullying and managing workplace pressure. The service is available 24/7 in multiple languages and is accessible worldwide by…
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Generali Global Health Global Choice plan for Hong Kong

August 2016 Generali: iPMI


Generali Global Health has launched its Global Choice plan for Hong Kong, in partnership with Generali Hong Kong. Global Choice is the provider’s flagship international health insurance (iPMI) plan and is designed to cater for the needs of globally mobile employees as well as being an enhanced health insurance solution for local nationals who would prefer to travel overseas for treatment. The plan uses a flexible modular design, which allows employers to mix n match benefits and choose the level of cover they want and can afford.  Three versions are available – Select, Classic and Premier, with annual limits of…
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