
Impartial reviews on the latest products and how they can impact consumers.

Aetna International Summit

January 2016 Aetna International: iPMI


Aetna International has introduced two new international private medical insurance (iPMI) plans – Pioneer for individuals and Summit for groups. This review focuses on the latter. The literature centres around five Cs – choice, comfort, care, control and convenience. Aetna International Summit, for groups of three plus working in Europe (benefits may differ for larger groups and different geographies) offers: Five cover levels, which offer an overall plan limit of between $1.75m and $5m. Aetna names these Aetna Summit 1750, 2500, 4000, 5000 and 5000+ and effectively, you simply multiply by 1,000 to get to the annual cover limit. Aetna…
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AIG Life Critical Illness with Term Assurance

January 2016 AIG: CI


AIG has updated its CI plan, introducing a number of improvements and changes including: The plan now covers ‘more cancers than ever before’, including less advanced cancers such as skin cancer and cancers in situ. Greater emphasis has been placed on children’s CI cover to give families more support. The plan now provides an additional payout on diagnosis of Down’s syndrome and diabetes mellitus Type 1 for children (both of which are unique to AIG Life it says). The plan also pays out on diagnosis of cerebral palsy, cystic fibrosis, muscular dystrophy, spina bifida or to meet a child’s requirement…
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Legal & General Critical Illness Cover

January 2016 Legal & General: CI


L&G has introduced a number of changes to its existing CI plan. These include: A new condition, spinal stroke, has been added. This takes the total number of full payment definitions up to 42. The motor neurone definition is now classed as ABI+. The plan has been updated to meet the latest ABI Statement of Best Practice on CI requirements. L&G now has 17 definitions which are ABI+. L&G’s interactive online tool, AnatoME, has been updated to give advisers useful facts about the different illnesses the plan covers. L&G says this tool makes it easier for advisers to review its…
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AXA PPP healthcare AccessHEALTH

January 2016 AXA PPP healthcare: PMI


AXA PPP’s AccessHEALTH is a new private medical insurance (PMI) plan for medium and larger employers. It is designed to enable them to give PMI benefits to their whole workforce and achieves that aim by focusing on pre-admission health and excluding most day and in-patient treatment. There are two cover levels, called Core and Plus, with the latter adding additional benefits to the Core package. Both focus on early intervention and management of health conditions and related matters. The Core plan offers the following (all benefit limits are per membership year): Online private GP appointments through the Doctor@Hand service. This…
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Zurich Later-life flexible option

January 2016 Zurich: Later Life


The later life market (where such benefits are added to a whole of life protection plan) is becoming established, with Zurich becoming the third major insurer to join in. It has done so with its Later-life flexible option which can be added at outset (only) to its existing whole life Adaptable Life Plan. The option is available below age 65 at outset and is provided at no extra cost. The option can only be exercised after age 70 and only if the life insured is diagnosed by a medical specialist as failing three of six everyday activities (these are: washing;…
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