
Impartial reviews on the latest products and how they can impact consumers.

LV= Critical Illness Cover

March 2016 LV=: CI


Last reviewed by us In May 2014, LV= has now introduced further changes to its critical illness (CI) plan. In this latest round of changes, one new 100% condition has been added, and changes have been made to a number of existing definitions. In addition, the plan has been brought into line with the latest ABI Statement of Best Practice (SoBP) for CI. The new condition is Parkinson Plus Syndromes. This has an ABI+ definition and also pays out 150% of the benefit if diagnosed under age 45. Changes have also been made to the definitions for: Benign brain tumour.…
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Aviva Cancer Essentials

March 2016 Aviva: Other


Cancer Essentials is Aviva Health’s new low cost cancer only insurance policy. The annually renewable policy provides the following main benefits: A once in the policy lifetime payment of £5,000 if the customer is diagnosed with cancer. Non-melanoma skin cancer is excluded unless it has spread and active treatment is now recommended. Up to £100,000 to pay for drugs recommended by an NHS specialist if they are not approved by the NHS on financial grounds. Certain terms and conditions apply to this benefit, for example, the drugs must essentially be proven or established treatment and must be supported by published…
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April UK Lifestyle Protector

March 2016 April UK: ASU


April UK has launched a new sickness and accident plan, called Lifestyle Protector. The monthly renewable plan includes: No medical underwriting at outset. Instead, a two-year moratorium and a simplified application process replaces the need for upfront underwriting. No proof of earnings is required, either at point of sale, or as part of the claims process. There are no premium age increases. So, the age at which the customer takes out the policy is the age on which the policy premium will always be based, and does not increase as they get older. There are no exclusions linked to occupation…
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Benenden Business Healthcare

February 2016 Benenden Healthcare Society: PMI


Benenden’s new plan for businesses offers a plan that is provided by new partner Bupa Insurance and includes: Diagnosis. Covering employees for all diagnostic consultations and tests, including X-rays and scans necessary to reach an initial diagnosis of symptoms. Musculoskeletal. Covers diagnosis, advice, treatment, physiotherapy and surgery for any muscle, or joint disorder.  Uses an initial phone diagnosis, with no GP referral being required. Mental health and wellbeing. This provides a comprehensive 24/7 psychological wellbeing service to provide employees and their families with treatment for a range of mental health issues including stress, anxiety and depression. Support ranges from telephone…
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British Seniors Insurance Agency Over 50s Life Insurance

February 2016 British Seniors: WL


British Seniors has launched a new over 50s whole of life plan with what it calls a Lifetime Payback Guarantee as standard.  This ensures that customers never receive less than the total premiums they have paid in and British Seniors says it is the first company to offer this. Initially the plan just covers accidental death only. If death arises during this period from any other cause, premiums paid are simply returned in full. Then, after 24 months, death from all causes is covered. Customers can change benefits in future without incurring additional administration charges. The Lifetime Payback Guarantee means…
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