
Impartial reviews on the latest products and how they can impact consumers.

Vitality Serious Illness Cover

December 2019 VitalityLife: CI


Vitality has introduced or is introducing a number of changes across its product range, and this review looks at the changes to the Serious Illness product. Amongst the changes are four new conditions: •            Desmond-type fibromatosis. •            Myasthenia gravis. •            Necrotising fasciitis. •            Severe sepsis. Changes have also been made to a number of conditions’ definitions, including: •            Heart attack. •            Carcinoma-in-situ. •            Motor neurone disease. •            Brain and spinal tumour. •            Third degree burns. •            Guillain-Barre Syndrome. •            Children’s TPD. •            Children’s cover. Included is a new children’s hospitalisation benefit (which pays £100 a day for 14 or more…
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HSBC UK Select and Cover

December 2019 HSBC: Term


HSBC UK has launched Select and Cover, which is a new flexible insurance subscription service that offers between three and seven switchable covers within a single monthly subscription.                                                                                                                The bank’s customers can choose a minimum of three of the following types of insurance: Mobile Phone;…
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Cignpost Private Diagnostics Insurance

November 2019 Cignpost: PMI


PDI is marketed by new provider Cignpost as an alternative to PMI. It effectively pays for diagnostics only, and has an overall annual plan limit per person of £5,000. The benefits provided by the plan include: •             Outpatient or day case diagnostic investigations and consultations with a specialist: Full refund. •             Of that, the therapeutic action limit is £500. •             MRI, CT and PET scans: Full refund. For a full refund, the diagnostic investigation costs must be reasonable and customary and within any section or overall scheme limits. The plan excludes pre-existing conditions within the past five years (or ten…
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Health Shield Breeze

November 2019 Health Shield: HCP


Health Shield has announced a new strategic approach. This will focus on providing preventative preventative workplace health and wellbeing solutions for organisations of all sizes, but with a specific focus on helping SMEs. The move is part of a brand evolution and digital transformation being introduced from January 2020. A key element is Breeze, a digital platform available direct to employers and through intermediaries. Breeze brings together Health Shield’s physical, emotional and financial health and wellbeing services. Breeze aims to encourage employee self-care and employees can access the services from any digital device. They can book and manage appointments, access…
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Guardian Combined Life and Critical Illness Protection

November 2019 Guardian: CI


Guardian’s new plan is a combined life and critical illness (CI) cover plan designed to make having life and CI cover less expensive. There are also a number of enhancements made to the CI proposition for existing customers, including three new full pay-out conditions and improvements to children's CI cover. The new plan offers a single payout in the event of the customer's death or diagnosis of a critical or terminal illness. For existing customers, three new full payout conditions are added: gastro-intestinal stromal tumour, neuroendocrine tumours and ulcerative colitis. Guardian has also  made improvements to a number of definitions…
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