
Impartial reviews on the latest products and how they can impact consumers.


April 2020 BHSF: Other


BHSF’s new Rise plan is an employee assistance programme (EAP) that offers personalised, on-demand and proactive advice and support from a range of expert mental health, financial and legal providers. The plan provides: •            A 24/7 counselling and advice line. •            24/7 phone access to personal legal information and support, provided by Irwin Mitchell. •            Face to face counselling. •            24/7 health and wellbeing advice and support. •            24/7 phone access to personal financial and debt information and support, provided by Auriga. •            Your Care Support – support for carers, provided by Tutella. •            Brain and Spine Foundation advisory service.…
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Vitality at Work

April 2020 VitalityHealth: Other


VitalityHealth’s new Vitality at Work plan offers small to medium sized businesses (SMEs) a wellness programme that can cover all employees, giving them a range of key health benefits in a cost-effective way. Employers can therefore extend preventative healthcare services and outcomes information to their entire workforce, not just those covered by PMI. Vitality says the aim is to support employers addressing leading causes of absence and helping them to support employees who want to live healthier lifestyles. The plan gives fast access to a private virtual GP, physiotherapy services and a range of mental health support and treatment. It…
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Royal London Critical Illness Cover

April 2020 Royal London: CI


Royal London has made a number of changes to its CI plan, after a last major update just over a year ago (reviewed January 2019). The changes include: •            Adding one new condition – removal of an eyeball. •            Removing AIDS/HIV as a condition (as have many CI insurers now). •            The following new additional payment conditions have been added: -             Carotid artery stenosis. -             Cerebral or spinal aneurysm. -             Cerebral or spinal arteriovenous malformation. -             Non-malignant tumour of the pituitary gland. •            Changes have been made to the following existing condition definitions: -             Accidental hospitalisation. Removal of the drug…
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April International myHEALTH Hong Kong

March 2020 April International: iPMI


APRIL International Care has announced a number of changes to its onshore MyHEALTH Hong Kong private international health insurance policy range. The changes apply to all its APRIL International Care products, including individual, family and small to medium enterprise cover. The out of area cover limit has been doubled to $100,000 and a raft of new areas of medical treatment have been added across selected plans. They include cutting edge technologies such as stem cell treatment on Extensive and Elite Hospital and Surgery plans, whilst hormone replacement, psychologist costs and check-ups and vaccinations are now covered across more plan levels.…
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AXA PPP healthcare Business Health

March 2020 AXA PPP healthcare: PMI


Business Health from AXA PPP healthcare enables SME firms to build their healthcare cover from scratch, mixing and matching the benefits they want, to meet their business’ needs. This also gives them good control over cost. The plan includes the following benefits that can be chosen: •             Diagnostics Only. This covers scans, diagnostic tests and surgery, plus up to two consultations a year. •             Treatment. Pays for hospital/surgical costs and cancer care. •             Out-patient. Offers two, four or ‘no yearly limit’ for consultations with a specialist. •             Therapies. Covers physiotherapy, osteopathy and chiropractic. •             Mental Health. Gives access to AXA…
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