5QI: Debbie Kennedy Head of Protection Proposition, Royal London
What was the first record you can remember buying? In the City, The Jam
What is your biggest pet hate about the world of financial services? We are too internally focused. We don’t look out enough at what our customers’ want and need. We are at fault of designing products for the industry first.
What is your favourite film, and why? The Godfather II, it is a masterpiece, an epic story about Family and business. Many life lessons in the film, although I wouldn’t recommend applying them all to the workplace!
What car do you drive? BMW X5
If you could change one thing overnight about the protection industry what would it be? Embrace the need to deliver personalised customer interactions. If we can move beyond the traditional boundaries of the protection contract with our customers and start to have more meaningful and more frequent interactions. I believe we can start to have real relevance in our customers’ lives.
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