5QI: Debbie Kleiner-Gaines, PES
1. What was the first record you can remember buying?
It was probably Michael Jackson Thriller but I had an older sister that spent all her money on records I liked so I could spend my money on other things!
2. What is your biggest pet hate about the world of financial services?
My pet hate is the lack of use of plain English and over use of acronyms! I am not suggesting that all IFAs do this (whoops there I go using an acronym). If we take pensions advice, if I hear anyone using “top hat” or “GPP” I switch off. The world of financial services needs to adjust their language to the right level of understanding for the end user and challenge themselves as to whether what they are saying makes sense to the person on the street.
3. What is your favourite film, and why?
“Taxi Driver” – I love Robert De Niro in anything – even “Meet The Fockers”. The combination of Scorcese and De Niro is a great one!
4. What car do you drive and what car would you like to drive?
I drive a VW golf plus but would like to drive an open top audi a3 when the kids leave home!
5. If you could change one thing overnight about the protection/health insurance industry what would it be?
Bigger picture thinking from intermediaries. Being a specialist is good but one with a greater understanding of the Employers peripheral HR/employee wellbeing issues is even better.
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