
Expert insight, analysis and commentary across the entire protection industry.

Marilyn Cole from Space01 gives her reaction to the budget

by ProtectionReview 25/03/14

Did you notice all the headlines about protection from the Budget? Nor did we at Space 01. The revolution for savers and investors heralded by Chancellor George Osborne did not impact on protection insurance or at least not directly. The Budget threw up almost countless opportunities for advisers, for investment platforms and even those insurers with a broad business mix, though it is clearly a challenge for those firms who are reliant on annuity business as the various share price falls demonstrated. But there is a risk that the case for protection and even the voice of the protection industry…
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Living for today, planning for tomorrow by Stephanie McCahon, author of Swiss Re’s Term Watch 2013

by ProtectionReview 18/03/14

Many people are living for today: thinking and worrying about things that have happened or are happening to them – rather than considering what might occur. Research carried out in connection with our Insurance Report 2013, Connecting generations – protecting generations,  concurs with recent findings from the  Money Advice  Service that a "living for today" mentality is prevalent among consumers. This is, perhaps, a natural consequence of the drop in real incomes many people have experienced. It contrasts to the signals from government that longer term personal planning will soon be a requirement rather than an option We are faced…
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Peter Chadborn of Plan Money shares some views on IFA engagement: Support, what support?

by ProtectionReview 11/03/14

IFAs are lazy. Or are they? One man’s laziness is another man’s effective time management, or something. The question is; what should we be expected to do for ourselves and what should we expect the life offices to do for us? Take protection research for example. When recently researching key person cover, I needed to compare contracts and costs for a blend of Short-term IP, indexed CI & level Life. I’d established my short-list of five providers who were in the frame. You can’t readily compare key person menu plans via a portal so I had to go the old…
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Karin Lloyd considers the expertise that the charitable sector has to offer

by ProtectionReview 05/03/14

As the Family Support Initiative continues to gain momentum and support from the industry part of the equation, it seems an opportune time to look at the charitable sector and why we feel it is so important to work with them as partners on this project. Many charities are on the front line dealing with people who have had to stop work due to illness, and are already providing them with significant help, both financial and practical. You can see some examples of this in my round-up on Some of these people will be existing income protection claimants, but…
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Karen Gamble considers tailor made support

by ProtectionReview 18/02/14

Twelve years ago I had a total knee replacement; a week ago I had my knee resurfaced. When they opened up the knee they discovered I will need a knee revision, which due to issues of consent and theatre time couldn’t be performed at that point. The care whilst in the hospital was great and an excellent follow-up care package was put in place. But, and here is the point of the blog, the care package is generic. It has to meet the needs of Margaret, a 91 year old care home resident, Eileen an 81 year old who lives…
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