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Protection Review Highlights 2017 on Video

by Protection Review 18/12/17 Category: Latest News

As Christmas approaches, we'd like to thank you all for your support. 2017 has been a great year for protection in general (we've seen business increase significantly) and for Protection Review in particular. We've filmed summaries of our events this year and invite you to enjoy the highlights of 2017 on video. March Summit on Customer Trust Conference Dinner and Awards behind the scenes November Summit on Mortgage Protection Partner Opportunities 2018 Have a great Christmas and New Year and we'll see you in 2018.
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3 Mortgage Protection takeaways from our Summit on 9 November

by Protection Review 29/11/17 Latest News

We held our third Protection Review Summit on 9 November 2017. At these interactive two-hour events, we are looking for change through debate. Styled around a classic “for and against” structure we tackle important, often controversial, industry issues. This time our focus was on mortgage protection and this was our debating point. “We have all the products and processes we need to once again start recommending mortgage protection with every completion” Here's a short video featuring each of our speakers summarising their talks. And for a more detailed summary of the debate, you can download the Summit Summary PDF right…
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Mortgage Protection is focus for 3rd Protection Review Summit

by Protection Review 30/09/17 Latest News

Welcome to the 3rd Protection Review Summit At these popular interactive two-hour events, we’re seeking change through debate. Styled around a classic “for and against” structure we’re tackling important, often controversial, industry issues. You’ll be able to hear from the best in the industry, and together we’ll publish a White Paper summarising the debate and recommended actions. The Summit is on Thursday 9 November and the subject is: “We have all the products and processes we need to once again start recommending mortgage protection with every completion” Speakers: Mark Graves - Sesame Nick Erskine - AIG Life Charlie Carrick -…
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Partnership Opportunities Video 2018

by Protection Review 30/09/17 Latest News

The Protection Review Conference, Dinner and Awards was our most successful yet. It's the premier event in the UK protection industry calendar. We have plenty of partnership opportunities for 2018. Have a look at this video for highlights of the 2017 event and the opportunities available for next year. Partnerships renew for existing partners on request but get in touch to find out what's available. The Dinner and Awards always sells out. This year we welcomed 300 guests to the conference and 375 to the dinner. At the conference the split of guests was as follows: 34% distributors 29% insurers…
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Behind the scenes Vlog - Protection Review Conference, Dinner and Awards 2017

by ProtectionReview 24/07/17 Latest News

The Protection Review Conference, Dinner and Awards was a resounding success. Thanks for coming along and thanks for your feedback. You might have spotted Roger Edwards with his video camera during the day. We're putting together a new video for our partners which we'll let you see very soon. In the meantime, Roger's put together a "Behind the Scenes" video as part of his RogVLOG series. You can see us prepping for the conference; the transformation of the conference room into a banqueting hall; meet our Toast Master and see us handing out the gongs. You might even catch a…
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