
Expert insight, analysis and commentary across the entire protection industry.

Looking beyond standard annuities by Sean White from Swiss Re

by ProtectionReview 29/10/13

The death of the standard annuity has been predicted many times. As advisers and consumers seek alternatives to maximise their retirement earnings, low interest rates and the removal of gender as a pricing tool may turn out to be another couple of nails in the coffin. It is difficult to argue against the decline and the fact that sales of enhanced products have exceeded 50% market share of new business for the last two years shows that the simple annuity is not what it once was. However, the enhanced market also faces challenges. Until now, the enhanced annuity market has…
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BD + BE – EQ = Not Much Progress says Alan Newman

by ProtectionReview 22/10/13

BD + BE – EQ = Not Much Progress There can be little doubt that two Big Topics have recently found their way on to the business agenda, and not just in the insurance sector:  Big Data and Behavioural Economics.  But if we persist in being a low-EQ sector, the benefits from these new developments, to our businesses and to our customers, will fail to materialise. At conferences, seminars and networking events in the last 18 months or so I have seen presentations on Big Data and on Behavioural Economics and I have heard how each or both will improve…
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Karen Gamble urges us to consider a new habit…..

by ProtectionReview 07/10/13

Today I am thinking about perception. Why do so many of us perceive that we are immune from catastrophe?  What is ‘catastrophe’? How do you make a risk assessment?  I perceive a catastrophe as being loss of life, loss of health, loss of home or loss of income. Others may have a different perception. The insurance policies that are compulsory in the UK are motor insurance (if you drive) and employers’ liability (if you are an employer). We buy buildings insurance and life insurance when our mortgage lender insists. We are frequently told that we under insure our house contents…
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Sponsoring egos doesn’t necessarily serve shareholders says Phillip Cooke

by ProtectionReview 24/09/13

At the end of the summer I spent two weeks on holiday in Fiscardo Bay, at the northern end of Kefalonia – a beautiful spot, ideal for reflection and recharging the batteries.   The harbour is ever-busy with the comings and goings of yachts; they come in all sizes and nationalities, and are united by a common passion for sailing. This started me thinking, and my thoughts turned to my days in marketing agencies, and the battles we often had with big clients who wanted to sponsor an event.  “Why?” and “What is the commercial purpose?” were the first two questions…
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Peter Chadborn reminds us that protection is a promise…even for advisers

by ProtectionReview 17/09/13

If you work for a life office on the protection side you could be forgiven for thinking that the actions of your investment cousins don’t really impact upon you. Well, you’d be wrong. I have been saying for as long as I can remember that for advisers who advise across a mix of product lines, the actions of the brand as a whole has a big impact on whether we like you or not. This maxim has been brought into sharp focus of late with the over-eager actions of certain life offices, to legacy trail commission on pre-RDR investment business.…
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