Expert insight, analysis and commentary across the entire protection industry.
by ProtectionReview 27/02/13
The noise of IFAs bemoaning the service they receive from life offices is nothing new. Tiresome, I imagine. “Get over it,” I expect is the reaction; “what do you expect with your one application per month?” Surely it’s just a case of the 80/20 rule whereby service capacity is apportioned according to the 20% of accounts that produce 80% of their business. So how about a chance to start afresh? A clean slate. First impressions, without prejudice. Just such an opportunity was recently presented to us due to a new adviser joining and because his experience is limited to single-tie…
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by ProtectionReview 19/02/13
Much has been said and written recently about declined claims going viral on social media. This should not have come as a surprise and it is going to become the norm, long after Twitter has been usurped by the next ‘big thing’. Readers might like to follow one conversation just started by Angry Policyholders@scotprovsaysno Have you been let down by an insurer? We would like to hear from you. (Posted 15/2/13) The main issue has always been whether companies can justify the decisions they are making, it’s just that now a lot more people know about and are able to…
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by ProtectionReview 12/02/13
Starbucks Life? Costa CIC? Pret PMI? I write this short piece as someone who is, to all intents and purposes, re-joining the industry – full-time. I have been working in Financial Services throughout the last 28 (Oh my gosh, how did that happen?) years, but in recent times my specialism has been customer experience consulting and this has required me to work across many sectors looking at how companies can more effectively manage the customer interface. As part of my re-entry, I have been asking a few learned friends what’s been going on, beyond the contact centres and the Twitter…
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by ProtectionReview 29/01/13
Mr Lloyd v BCQ Limited Employment Appeal Tribunal Judgment. The Employment Appeal Tribunal judgment in November 2012 in the case of Mr Lloyd v BCQ Limited provides a useful summary of past decisions on how an employer with Group Income Protection can act appropriately if it wishes to dismiss one of its’ insured employees. Having IP cover does not stifle what an employer can do, but it remains necessary for the employer to act reasonably and with good cause. If an employee in respect of whom an IP claim has been or may be submitted, is very close to…
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by ProtectionReview 09/01/13
My favourite Christmas present was:Insurers’ Creed: Protection World – Protection Past; Protection Present and Protection Yet to Come: (for Xbox -360, Playstation and Nintendo - £39:99). In the comfort of my own home, I was able to share the virtual experience of illness and unemployment. As I moved through the game levels I saw actual examples of real-life episodes that could happen, and have happened, to people just like me and how the benefit of having Protection Insurance came to my rescue right on cue. It seemed very real because the game characters had the names of my family and…
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