
Expert insight, analysis and commentary across the entire protection industry.

Alan Newman asks “Are Insurance Companies Immune to Developments in Digital Healthcare?”

by ProtectionReview 05/10/11

Are Insurance Companies Immune to Developments in Digital Healthcare?   Insurance is one way of managing risk. Managing information is another and, in this digital era, it’s gathering momentum. Today, three separate but related areas of development regarding the application of digital technologies to healthcare services promise to change the market in which Life & Health insurance companies operate.   1.       Health Informatics (e.g. electronic health records). 2.       Mobile Health applications. 3.       New devices built around sensors and chips. (‘An Internet of things’.)   They are of strategic significance and the evidence suggests that they are largely being ignored by…
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Alan Newman suggests that Test-Achats can be good news for consumers and the Insurance sector

by ProtectionReview 04/10/11

Test-Achats can be good news for consumers and the Insurance sector   This year’s Protection Review included a measured and informative piece (by Helen Tilley, Rona Doyle and Lucian Camp) on the ECJ ruling on gender. And there was another good article on the topic (by Joanne Wells) in the Hannover Life Re newsletter, infocus.  Comments and conversations around the Protection Review Conference, however, were more emotion-laden. I got the impression that the widely shared view was that Test-Achats was a toxic combination of European bureaucracy and political correctness, and this also seems to be the Protection sector’s view if…
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Michael Kelly CEO of FINEOS ponders the premise,  “What gets measured gets managed”

by ProtectionReview 21/09/11

  This quote, from Peter Drucker, the inspirational writer, thinker and pioneer in management philosophy, often comes to mind in conversations I have with insurers. For an industry whose economic viability relies upon a sound understanding of statistics, actuarial calculations and probability, it often surprises me just which areas insurers tend to focus on when it comes to measuring and therefore managing claims. Let me give you an example. When I ask some insurers about their claims performance and about their loss ratio, most simply say they do not use their loss ratio to measure claims.     When you…
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Alan Tyler wonders whether we are seeing too much talk and not enough action (again)?

by ProtectionReview 21/09/11

Seven years ago, after 40 years in the insurance industry, I left corporate life to form my own business consultancy. I wanted to try something different.   Having built up a network of contacts in other sectors of health and welfare provision, I looked for where I thought I could make a difference and also see some tangible results more quickly than is sometimes possible in a long term insurance environment.   I worked with a series of clients anxious to establish a role for themselves against the background of the government’s health and welfare reforms. The atmosphere was usually…
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Phil Veale of Chiltern Consulting asks if a leopard can change its spots

by ProtectionReview 06/09/11

Can a Leopard change its spots?  That depends on the colour of its original spots and whether it has a changed view of life.  Talking to some advisers recently, they were suggesting the interest in Long Term Care funding was lessening. Which got me thinking, why?  ·         Dilnot? Not an issue for Joe Public’s family in some sense as the need is still the same, today. Plus, of course, when (or if) will the recommendations be adopted and in what form? So we can discount that as an effect in the short term.  ·         Southern Cross? It won’t have helped,…
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