
Expert insight, analysis and commentary across the entire protection industry.

Mike Taylor of Friends Life asks “What are you afraid of?”

by ProtectionReview 03/08/11

What are you afraid of?   Coulrophobia; that’s what I have – no don’t worry it not catching – it means a fear of clowns.  I mean; their leering fixed smiles, and hidden painted faces, ergh, still give me the shivers.  However, I am not alone, the NHS estimates 10 million Britons have some form of fear or phobia, and nearly 2% of us suffer severe phobia that affects all aspects of daily life1.   Some of the more common phobias are quite well known, my wife for example is an arachnophobe (fear of spiders), where as my mother in…
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Alan Newman asks: Who’s best positioned to look after your mum when dementia kicks in?

by ProtectionReview 02/08/11

Who's best positioned to look after your mum when dementia kicks in?  The recently published Dilnot Report understandably focused on the economics and affordability of Long Term Care but may I suggest that a key consideration was not addressed - the fact that Care Homes are not a viable part of a Long Term Care 'architecture' or strategy. They're more likely to be part of a Care problem than part of a Care solution because we are not psychologically equipped, as a species, to look after non-relatives on a long term basis. My sister and I are carers for our…
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Peter Chadborn of Plan Money, advocates some joined up thinking for the industry

by ProtectionReview 26/07/11

In Karin Lloyd’s Protection Review blog last week: she promoted the merits of enabling distributors to engage more with the claims process. Karin reported that; “In a recent global survey of claims technology (conducted jointly with, we found that 73% of companies worldwide don’t have facilities for distributors to see claim status or other relevant information, even if the claimant is happy for them to be involved”. I am amazed that this is so. I was also staggered to learn from Karin that only 51% of companies worldwide collect feedback from claimants and even fewer from distributors. This…
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Karin Lloyd considers the role of brokers in claims

by ProtectionReview 20/07/11

The refrain I constantly hear from people on a conference platform is ‘it’s all about the claim, we’re selling a promise’; the refrain I hear from claims people is ‘we don’t get to go to the ball because we’re not at the front end’. So somewhere along the line, wires have become crossed or even completely disconnected and everyone is so wrapped up in their own busy day-to-day world, reconnecting them doesn’t seem to be top of the agenda. Perhaps one place we could start is to ask ourselves how claims teams could help IFAs to demonstrate the value of…
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Alan Newman asks: “What are you like when it comes to Relationships?”

by ProtectionReview 13/07/11

What are you like when it comes to RELATIONSHIPS?  To what extent does your personality shape your relationship behaviour(s) ? Are you consistent or something of a chameleon?     Of course, relationships come in all shapes and sizes. There are intimate relationships, family or kinship relationships, close friendships, acquaintanceships, forced relationships, relationships of convenience and relationships based on a special interest.  You can probably think of others.   How do you behave with respect to each of these relationship types?  Which characterises your relationship with money?   Why do I ask this?  Because of the work that I do I…
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