
Expert insight, analysis and commentary across the entire protection industry.

Poll: New Entrants

by PR 31/07/19 Category: Polls

Poll In our current poll we ask which of a number of new entrants is most likely to be successful over the next five years. Click here to cast your vote. Poll Results In our last poll we asked “Where next for claim stats?” Overall, answers were split between “Shout louder” and “Something completely different”. The detail provided for the second option suggested that respondents felt that we needed to tell more stories and be more transparent about the reasons for non-payment of claims.
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2019 Conference Slides

by PR 16/07/19 Latest News

Slides from the 2019 Protection Review conference can be viewed by following the links below:   Keynote address: Helen Undy, Money and Mental Health Policy Institute, click here Session 1 Justin Harper, LV= and Steve Casey, Square Health, click here Session 2 Ian Henderson, AML, click here Paul Nattrass, Medical Solutions, click here Lisa Jones, LifeSearch and Andrew Gething, Morgan Ash, click here Session 3 Claire Ginnelly, Premier Choice Group, click here Chris Morgan, AIG Life, click here
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Award Winners 2019

by Protection Review 12/07/19 Latest News

It’s the morning after the night before. Thanks to everyone who came along to the Protection Review Conference, Dinner and Awards on Thursday and making it one of the best events yet. And thanks to all our partners for your support. Here are this year's winners and this year we’ve also provided some feedback on why they impressed us. Some of the big winners of the night were newcomers and mutual or friendly societies. Because sometimes small and new really is better.   Innovation Award in association with Gen Re Winner: Guardian Highly Commended: VitalityLife Guardian has worked hard to innovate across the…
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We need to talk about… the D word

by Protection Review 22/05/19

The latest in our regular series looking at hot topics. Deliberately provocative, we're trying to start a debate. This time, we need to talk about... the D word.   What does disruption actually mean? Words like disruption and reinvention are appearing more frequently across the protection industry these days. Often, they are used to describe various new protection propositions recently launched in the market, sometimes formally, sometimes less so. Maybe it’s to get attention or maybe it’s because there is genuine disruption. Or maybe it keeps the investors happy. We’ve always believed that ‘disruption’ means massive change. A product and/or…
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Poll: Where next for claim stats?

by PR 16/05/19 Polls

Poll In our current poll we ask “Where next for claim stats?” and ask respondents to let us know their favoured option. Click here to take part. Poll Results In our last poll we asked “What is most likely over the next five years – continued evolution or dramatic disruption?” We’ve been discussing this very topic in our “We need to talk about” section on the website and the results of the poll show that 73% of those who took part, favoured the idea of evolution over disruption.  
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