
Expert insight, analysis and commentary across the entire protection industry.

Helen Tilley discusses the implications of a recent Employment Tribunal for Group IP

by ProtectionReview 29/01/13

Mr Lloyd v BCQ Limited Employment Appeal Tribunal Judgment.   The Employment Appeal Tribunal judgment in November 2012 in the case of Mr Lloyd v BCQ Limited provides a useful summary of past decisions on how an employer with Group Income Protection can act appropriately if it wishes to dismiss one of its’ insured employees.  Having IP cover does not stifle what an employer can do, but it remains necessary for the employer to act reasonably and with good cause.  If an employee in respect of whom an IP claim has been or may be submitted, is very close to…
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Peter Barnett talks Insurers’ Creed! & Generation Z

by ProtectionReview 09/01/13

My favourite Christmas present was:Insurers’ Creed: Protection World – Protection Past; Protection Present and Protection Yet to Come:  (for Xbox -360, Playstation and Nintendo - £39:99). In the comfort of my own home, I was able to share the virtual experience of illness and unemployment. As I moved through the game levels I saw actual examples of real-life episodes that could happen, and have happened, to people just like me and how the benefit of having Protection Insurance came to my rescue right on cue.  It seemed very real because the game characters had the names of my family and…
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Stephen Walker explores the issue of professional integrity

by ProtectionReview 21/11/12

Professional integrity – what’s that?   There’s been a lot of comment recently on the HI LinkedIn forum regarding the apparent discrediting of brokers by direct sales agents who deliberately bend the truth in order to persuade clients to take a policy direct from the insurer, rather that via the broker.  It would appear that when times are hard, professional integrity and ethical standards are ignored.  But why is this happening; why are industry sectors undermining each other; aren’t we, after all, working to the same end – to build and strengthen the industry?  During my 3 years as AMII…
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Lucian Camp considers innovation in the protection industry

by ProtectionReview 13/11/12

Have you checked out Westpac New Zealand’s wonderful Impulse Saver smartphone app yet?  If not, you really should, at Meanwhile, though, allow me to explain.  Starting from the brilliant insight that in this consumerist world impulse spending is a whole lot easier than impulse saving, Westpac came up with an idea which goes some way to levelling the score.  The app consists of a bloody great big red button on your phone’s screen, and every time you press it a predetermined amount - $5, $10, $20, whatever you’ve selected – is transferred from your current account into your Impulse…
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